"It's not your job to be 'photogenic' or 'good in front of a camera'. It's my job to help you through your entire photo shoot and to show you the most beautiful photos you have ever seen of yourself."

I take the stress out of having photos takeN!

You might be thinking that you aren't photogenic or that you hate having your photo taken -- I promise you that my photo shoots are easy and fun and it is an experience that you will never forget. We do your hair & makeup and help you decide what to wear based on your personal style and you will end up with the most beautiful photos you have ever seen of yourself.

I absolutely love creating portraits for people.

There is no better honor than when you trust me to create your family heirlooms or take your personal branding photos for work or make you a model for a day for your senior pictures or glamour style portraits. I want to take photos of you and your mother or daughter or sister or best friend. I want you to look at your photos and say, "WOW, that is ME! I look so beautiful!" I am grateful every day that I get to do this for people.


A few things about me ...

  • I have been to Europe and Africa
  • Traveling makes me incredibly happy and I will go anywhere in the world for your photo shoot. Italy, Spain, Iceland, Paris, New York...you name the place where you dream to be photographed!
  • I was a receptionist before I was a professional photographer. 
  • I was born & raised in Mexico, but I live in California with my family and dog.
  • I have a home studio in Anaheim, California and working on getting my first Studio in 2022!